Thursday, March 6, 2014

It's Worth It

Every morning I wake up with a smile on my face.
Not because I'm living the perfect life, or because life is easy. It's a struggle and every day I find myself pushing through barriers.
I wake up with a smile on my face because I know in my heart that it is all worth it.
Starting at practically square one there is a lot of work ahead of me. Why shouldn't I enjoy every moment, whether it is difficult or easy. I'm celebrating each step and every small thing as a success. Making this journey and my goals even more precious.
This has made me open to possibilities. That is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself. You never know what can come your way.

Now I'm not trying to sound like a motivational refrigerator magnet but...

There are going to be people telling you that you're not going to make it, that your dreams are too far fetched.
I've never heard anyone tell me that. Not because someone hasn't, but because I couldn't hear them.
I have far too many people in my life cheering me on to hear anything else.
We have drowned them out and for that I wake up with a smile on my face.

You can never tell me that I'm not going to achieve my dreams. My dreams are evolving every day. I have small dreams, big dreams, physically attainable dreams, and metaphysical dreams.
I can't even count all the dreams I have achieved already.

I was going to put a quote here but then again...
"A witty saying proves nothing." - Voltaire

SMILE!!! :)

Check out my "funny" side!!!
Emily Reviczky on YouTube

1 comment:

  1. Had I listened to people, I would have given up sailing; however, that wouldn't have been a good idea.
