Sunday, February 15, 2015

In the middle

In the middle is a hard place to be.
 On the verge of making big leaps is exciting, but there's that pause before you jump. I'm holding my breath right now because I'm afraid. Afraid of saying something before it happens. Afraid that it's not going to happen. At least in the time frame that I want it to.
I have been eager to get back into something, anything, that has to do with acting. But then I realized that these periods between classes or work don't need to be a time for sulking. Read, write, draw, watch movies, or make your own videos! When I am creative, I am happy. It seems obvious that if you are doing all these things that you'll be more successful in the audition room, but you can forget that at times if you aren't auditioning that often. I may have to keep reminding myself of this from time to time. You will be more comfortable in the audition room if you are creating outside of there. Also, treat it as a place to explore and experiment.

I have many more aspirations aside from acting. Hey, funny thought...why can't I work towards achieving those dreams at the same time as acting. As long as I am creating and doing something artistic good things come my way, because I feel happier and fulfilled.

Look out world!
I for the first time have been feeling the thoughts of wow I'm getting older. I'm approaching the 25year mark. A lot of my friends have gotten married, engaged, pregnant, buying and building houses. I am so unbelievably anxious to start my career. It's frustrating at times. I am still young and loving life. So again I had to tell myself stop and enjoy my own path. Everyone's career starts at different times in different ways. You can't live by someone else's story. I'm on my way!
I want to fall in love. Another thing that happens to people different times in different ways. Again for the first time I've been feeling like I want things to happen sooner rather than later. I've broken hearts, had my heart broken, missed loved ones and been missed. You meet people you wish you could have met another time, another place, where maybe it'd be easier to be together. This for me comes back to loving what I'm doing and who I am. I'm going to continue to create and love myself. Those who are meant to be in my life or come back into my life, will.

I have so many amazing people in my life, far and near. I am an extrovert who often lives inside her own head. This can be frustrating for those around me.I am so lucky that they understand and have created this inner voice that tells me to keep pushing forward. Telling me to share my art and inspire me to give back to the world in as many ways as I can. This is especially thanks to my parents. Who taught me about great movies, great books, great moments in history, great food, and most importantly great people.
Thank you for teaching me to live life in a great way!!

Brutally honest,


  1. Emily, as someone who is in the same position as you, I can tell you that you're definitely on the right track. You'll find the right person when the time is right for you. Meanwhile, it's wonderful that you nurture your creativity, as I do mine- for creativity nurtures the heart and soothes the soul and it will help you understand yourself better, so when the right time finally comes, you'll have so much more to share with some lucky person. Writing has also helped me realize what an amazing group of friends and family I have and how lucky I am. From what I've read about you, you seem to have some amazing people around you who care about you also. When the time comes and you meet that lucky guy, and he reads all your amazing writing, he'll realize what an amazing woman he's found.....

  2. And another thing, when you meet the right person, you'll continue enjoying loving life, for he'll let you be your wonderful free spirited creative self and you'll have the best of both worlds, the world of the independent spontaneous adventure, and the world where you have a partner to share it with, and share in his adventures too.....
